「 続けることを続ける 」を英語日誌始めてみよう。恥を晒しながらやけどな!
❶日本語で書く。ここが一番重要なステップ。とにかく簡単化。「 自分が将来使えるワンフレース 」もしくは「 その日に自分自身が感じたこと 」
❷英語で書いてみる ※単語だけは調べてOK。文章は、とりあえず自分で頑張る!
i think that ill be able to speak english as well as im not difficult to have a conversation with if i keep studying english. but, i cant imagine anythig now.
❸生成AIで翻訳する※COPILOT or DeepLで翻訳
I think that if I continue learning English for about two years,I will be able to speak it well enough to have conversations without any problems. But I can’t imagine that at all now…