「 続けることを続ける 」を英語日誌始めてみよう。恥を晒しながらやけどな!
❶日本語で書く。ここが一番重要なステップ。とにかく簡単化。「 自分が将来使えるワンフレース 」もしくは「 その日に自分自身が感じたこと 」
❷英語で書いてみる ※単語だけは調べてOK。文章は、とりあえず自分で頑張る!
it is more fun to do Difficulties than Strengths.
for me, i feel more enjoyable taking lectuer than when i free taking about some theme.
but it is most important is to think about helpful to the other party.
assumptiouns is not change we have to do helpful to the other party.
❸生成AIで翻訳する※COPILOT or DeepLで翻訳
It’s more fun to do something you’re good at than something you’re not good at.
For me, it’s more enjoyable to talk freely about a specific topic than to give a lecture.
The premise is still the same, though: to be useful to others.